There are several versions of this article out there describing how to use MikroTik's EoIP (Ethernet over IP) feature with using a PPtP encryption. I needed a simpler version of just creating the EoIP tunnel without needing to create a secure tunnel due to the network it is traversing is all privately owned but with multiple layer 3 hops of varying name brands. The easiest way to do this was by letting the endpoints create the virtual layer 2 network.
What we will attempt to do is create a transparent network link from Building A to Building B. Remember, this is not encrypted so please keep this in consideration of crossing networks you do not own. This setup will allow all layer 2 traffic cross from both buildings. and the PCs to act like they are right next to each other without any special setups outside of the endpoints.
First you would need to add your external interface. The information here can be changed to whatever your situation requires. The main thing is to insure that Building A and Building B has a default gateway that allows communication between each other.
Building A Router:
/ip address
add address= broadcast= comment="external" \
disabled=no interface=ether1 network=
/ip route
add comment="default gateway between buildings" disabled=no \
distance=1 dst-address= gateway= scope=30 \
Building B Router:
/ip address
add address= broadcast= comment="external" \
disabled=no interface=ether1 network=
/ip route
add comment="default gateway between buildings" disabled=no \
distance=1 dst-address= gateway= scope=30 \
At this point, with cables leading to the external networks plugged into eth1, the two routers should be able to see each other. Next you add the EoIP tunnel.
Building A Router:
/interface eoip
add name=eoiptunnel remote-address= \
tunnel-id=101 disabled=no
Building B Router:
/interface eoip
add name=eoiptunnel remote-address= \
tunnel-id=101 disabled=no
The tunnel-id must match; this is a part of the association of the tunnel. After this we then add the interfaces to permit the traffic to be bridged over this tunnel.
Building A Router:
/interface bridge
add name="eoipbridge"
/interface bridge port add bridge=eoipbridge interface=ether5
/interface bridge port add bridge=eoipbridge interface=eoiptunnel
Building B Router:
/interface bridge
add name="eoipbridge"
/interface bridge port add bridge=eoipbridge interface=ether5
/interface bridge port add bridge=eoipbridge interface=eoiptunnel
At this point the two buildings should be bridged on the same layer 2 network and be able to act accordingly.